Open positions
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- Send us your unsolicited application to

FOR ALL APPLICATIONS the following applies
We value diversity and welcome all applicants regardless of origin, age, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
The basis of our collaboration is the PEOPLE @ WILDPLASTIC Manifesto.
We are aware that we are leading the fight against the plastic crisis from a very privileged position. Our office is not barrier-free, we are majority white*, able-bodied*, cis-gender*, academic and born in Europe. We are aware that we will need everyone to win this fight.
That's why we especially want to encourage people affected by the plastic crisis and/or all other forms of discrimination to fight with us and free the world from wild plastic waste together.
*White: "Whiteness refers to the dominant and privileged position within the power structure of racism, which otherwise usually remains unspoken and unnamed. [...]"
*able-bodied: "People who have no physical impairments. [...]"
*cis-gender: "Conformity of gender identity and the sex assigned to a person at birth [...]"Further definitions can be found in the glossary of the Culture Creative Pilots and at Amnesty International, which we have used as a source: